The power of women. How to increase the power to the women?

The modern pace of life, unfortunately, is not always saturated affluent and small events. The stress, the daily tasks, problems in the family, the state of constant physical and emotional load reduces the ability of a person to the time to relax body and soul. This makes that increasingly the issue of increasing power for women will be relevant in the society.

the reduction of power

The theme of female power as brilliant and often rises in conversations, as similar in men, but this does not mean that it does not exist. We, however, in this article we will talk about the feminine, of power and some methods of correction of problems with it.

The reduction of power of women: the causes

The sexual desire or libido, as he called a well-known psychoanalyst Freud, is the desire to get sexual pleasure from another person.In the first place, no need to draw conclusions, accusing the absence of sexual desire, changes of feelings or other level of relationship with the partner. Love is not always in tune with the obsessive desire of the body. First, try to find out if there are any other potential causes of reduction of libido. They can be:

Hormonal failure in the body:

  1. Such as men, women have sexual desire accompanies the hormone testosterone, as well as purely female — estrogen. The lack of it in the body of a woman can cause a low sexual activity.
  2. An interruption of the thyroid (lack of hormones when hypothyroidism or excess when thyrotoxicosis).
  3. An interruption of the pituitary gland, responsible for the production of certain hormones.

Psychological problems:

the causes of the reduction
  1. The constant feeling of fatigue
  2. Depressed state, lack of good humor
  3. Chronic stress
  4. Various phobias related to sex, and the body's own
  5. Insecurity, the doubt, the appearance of the own body
  6. The unpleasant experience, rudeness sexual on the part of the partner

The causes at the level of the physiology of the body:

  1. Obesity of the body;
  2. The disease of the urinary system (cystitis, candidiasis, various inflammations appendages);
  3. A side effect of the appropriate use of medicines (hypotonic drugs for the CNS and other).

To find out the reason, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe the respective treatment.

Medicines for potency in women

Due to increased demand for a tool for power for women, now, in the market for health products may occur a variety of different drugs. Despite the fact that the majority of these funds have been created by experts, it is not worth to decide which tool will better serve. These drugs are not universal to all: some may help, and the other to impair or do not give any effect.

How to improve the power, with the help of drugs?

In the first place, talk with your doctor. He says to him, what is the tool that best suit you. He may prescribe the existing drugs in the form of:

  • tablets
  • capsules
  • powder
  • a drop of
  • the ointment and tonic

The power to the women: the folk remedies

Despite the fact that modern medicine is quite safe and proven research, although possible, it is best to avoid the application of pills because of possible side effects. Increase sexual desire can also be through a variety of remedies, whose application allows to resist to the doctor for this intimate subject.

How to increase potency in women in popular media?

Techniques to increase the libido of women come in the form of:

  • therapy herbal remedies (with medicinal properties, their herbs and fruits)
  • apitherapy (the medicinal properties of the honey drug)
  • hirudotherapy (medicinal properties leeches)

The method of apitherapy is the use of 2-3 tablespoons of honey on a daily basis. The beneficial properties of this product are able to favorably influence as in the emotional, and the physical condition of the person. The cast back to normal and the general condition of the body and increase libido, which will create favorable conditions in the body of the woman, to the quality of the sexual relationship.

The method hirudotherapy enjoy low demand, after all, not everyone dare the readability of your body leeches. Given the fact that this way of solving the problem by certain specialists, allow us not to deepen the principle of operation of this method.

folk methods

The most popular popular method is the herbal medicine. It includes both the application of different herbs, providing the body with those for food, increase your libido.

The grass, which increase the power of women

Useful properties of certain herbs, infusions and broths are able to deal with the problem of low sexual desire. Among them, the most effective action is checked when the application of those people methods:

  • The infusion or decoction Batavia reptilia. This tool is available at most pharmacies and is different than the operating capacity of the standard or of the increase of the hormone estrogen and testoterone, which are responsible for libido.
  • Damiana leaf – infusion of these herbs is able to lift the mood, improve the physical activity of the body and intensifying sexual desire. The leaves of damiana, you can prepare the tea (2-3 leaf in the mug), to prepare a tincture, using 10 g of herb in a liter of boiled water. Apply 3 times a day.
  • The infusion or decoction shatavari. This herb is able to rejuvenate the genital tract, to indulge in the substances of the egg and to enhance their ability of fertilization. Increasing the power in women after 50 it is also possible the application of this type of herbs.
  • Wild yam – the source of estrogen and progesterone, which is able to stimulate the libido.
  • Rhodiola pink or golden root. The use of this type of grass in the form of infusion in alcohol contribute to improving the general condition of the woman, will give unique sensations to the sexual, in addition to improve the activity the woman on the bed. This herb is not recommended гипертоникам.
herbs for potency

What are the products that increase the power to the women?

Increased libido so the ingestion of certain foods is different from other availability and furtim's eyes out.

The most effective foods to improve the libido are:

  • Honey. Increase the effect of honey can adding the chopped nuts. If you drink this mixture 2-3 times daily 1 soup-spoon – the result will not wait. Also in the honey you can add plums, raisins, figs. Store the cooked mixture in the fridge. Can be consumed with bread, yogurt, milk.
  • Greenishness fresh, onion, parsley, celery, cilantro, such as an application or a combination of salads is able to increase the sexual desire of women.
  • Application available in almost all kitchens tomato and cucumber also surprise your current partner has sexual attraction.
  • Contribute to the quality of intercourse some fruits of the sea: the different types of fish, mussels, kelp, squid, lobsters. These products are rich in calcium, which can affect desire.
  • Among the fruits it is worth noting raspberries, rich in the females the genital organs vitamins. The effect of the application of raspberry it is possible to fold the combination of it with the leaves of the blueberry and the color brown as welding to the tea. Will further intensify the effect of the tea of honey and bread with jelly of currants.
  • Pumpkin seeds are also useful for the genital substances. They are a powerful source their vitamins and minerals, it is able to improve the process of loving intercourse. To strengthen the effect of seeds to insist about 2-3 days in the wet marl.
  • Ginger is one of the best ways to increase the female libido. It can be consumed as a seasoning for different dishes, as well as an addition to tea or cooking.It is worth to consider the fact that some products vice-versa, are able to degrade your libido. This cohort include a variety of fried and fatty dishes, products, are difficult to digestion of the stomach. Day of fasting and application of light meals are able to make your sexual relations more easy and abundant.

Folk remedies ideal for people who have problems with sexual attraction does not. The application of herbs and products that increase the libido, will contribute to improve the quality of sexual intercourse and, consequently, of the relationship building between the partners.

As you can see, the means to increase the female sex drive there are a lot, but the choice of the most effective purely individual. Only having tried various options, you can select the appropriate method for a particular person. It's worth it just to not stop and not to be discouraged, if the first time did not solve the problem. After all, the pleasure of the body from proximity with the beloved person, nothing is able to replace.